Day 9: Tap It Brewing Company's India Pale Ale
I love the bottle and the label, and here's why:
- The shape. It's cool. Wider at the bottom with a sharper taper. It just feels better in the hand. Good call, Tap It.
- The label says they're from San Luis Obispo, somewhere I might someday spend my winters, and it's good to know these guys are there :)
- No messing around. You know exactly what's going on here. If you don't have a cheeky name, just come out with what the beer is. This is an IPA. Boom. Dead centre is a prominent rendition of whatever hop they're using. So get ready, this thing is going to be hoppy.
I like this label's forthright withholding, because I don't like this style of beer. I've seen another beer called Hop Head, and I've stayed away for the same reason I'd stay away from this one if I saw it in a liquor store...harsh hoppiness.
I know there are people who dig this. I'm not one of them. To be clear, I'm not slamming IPAs in general. There are some that I quite like, but they are not of this strongly bitter variety. While this beer improved a bit after it warmed up, it was still a chore to finish. I can see that it would have greater appeal on a very hot day, which is perhaps why I've seen this style of beer a little more prominently figuring into the SW beer scene...they have a lot of very hot days in that territory. Or perhaps after playing basketball for a couple of hours it might taste better. There is some interesting flavour under there.
I'm sure it's a fine representation of the genre, but it's not for me. No tankards.
Which begs the question, what do you do with beer that you don't like? You give it away. I have a friend who is always leaving beer at my place, and I've done the same thing to other people.
Mormons believe that Jesus visited America, probably central America. As seen below, Jesus knows how to get rid of beer that isn't the best stuff around.
"Blessed are ye that make it so I don't have to drink this stuff the Lamanites gave me. Er, I mean, blessed are the Mexicans, for they shall inherit California."
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