Day 15: The Perfect Crime's Hollow Point
10% ABV. Time to put my newfound drinking temperature knowledge to the test. I didn't refrigerate this one. Instead I put it in the far back bathroom off of our mudroom. These days it's pretty cold in there. Nobody does any "business" in there, we mostly just store stuff. Possibly slightly below what would be called cellar temperature.
The Hollow Point poured a medium amber and frothed up nicely. Right away I could smell the strength here. I expected something darker. The smell reminded me of Innis and Gunn, a brand a few guys at work had introduced me to. Frankly the flavour was similar too. But stronger, and dare I say, better?
It hits hard, make no mistake. But there's a creamy, caramel, oaky quality to it. Hints of something stronger like scotch or rum. Or maybe that was just the elevated alcohol talking. And the smell coming off of it while you drink is downright seductive. It's a sipper that you have a hard time just sipping.
Possibly a little dangerous. You could probably go through a 6 pack of this stuff in short order if you weren't paying attention, and that would be the equivalent of a case of 12, so beware! It's called a "quadruple ale", whatever the hell that means.
But really, really good. Warm, welcoming, and welcome in my fridge (or back bathroom) any time.
Two six packs! Just not all at once.
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