Day 19: Newport Storm's Blueberry Beer
The third offering from Newport Storm. They've definitely got a solid variety going. In my last post I mentioned Sleemans. They've got a few different beers, but unless you drank them side by side you might have a hard time telling them apart. There are differences, but they are not pronounced. All three beers from Newport have been starkly different, and I like that.
So, what did I say about fruit beers? I don't like them, generally. Why not? Too sweet. Fruit flavour good, sweetness bad. My wife liked this beer. That might be all I need to say about it. I think they did a very good job of bringing the blueberry flavour out. It is evident the moment you pop the cap and from the first taste. The blueberry adds a very pleasant note that works well with what is otherwise a standard, middle of the road beer. Definitely refreshing.
And yes, a little too sweet. It doesn't go overboard like that awful honey beer from Alabama. Just barely too sweet. In fact, I'd really like to see what this beer tastes like with a little stronger hop profile. Sort of like a low-level blueberry IPA. But I'm guessing the folks that are into a blueberry beer probably like it a little sweet. Oh well.
While I enjoyed it, I don't know how many I would enjoy. Let me use the example of Bud Light Lime, here. When it first came out, I was a pretty new drinker, and everyone I talked to was asking me if I'd tried it yet, raving about the stuff. So I tried it. I thought the first one was pretty damn good. By the time I was halfway done the next one I knew that I'd only ever be drinking Bud Light Lime if it was offered to me and I needed to be polite. The novelty wore off quickly.
I'm a little worried that the same might happen with this Blueberry Beer. But if my wife will drink it, I need at least four of them around. Yeah, four ought to do it. But that's a topic for a whole different post :)
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