Day 1: Nickel Brook Maple Porter
Don't ask me what happened with the foam. It's either very impressive or I did something very wrong.
Anyway, this beer advertises itself as a strong porter infused with maple syrup. Not so sure I detected the maple flavour at all, mostly just a dark roasted maltiness with some chocolate tones. Wasn't really a fan at first. To me it tasted like somebody concentrated some Guiness to hit 6% and then scorched it.
The beer, which had been sitting in my fridge all day, improved dramatically once it warmed up a few degrees. Dramatically. Still a little too much flavour for me, but I was actually enjoying myself for the last few sips.
How many more would I like to have? I probably wouldn't buy this beer in any sort of bulk, but wouldn't mind having a couple around for variety. So a rating of 2 tankards.
This is not meant as an indictment of Nickel Brook's offering. It's interesting, which is more than I can say for most mass-produced stuff. It actually reminded me a lot of Hammerhead, which is a strong malty beer that I quite like. Hammerhead....mmmmm.
Excited to see what's behind door number 2!
I will try it!!