Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Day 11: Newport Storm's IPA (India Point Ale)

Again, IPAs aren't necessarily my thing. Though I'm learning that the IPA umbrella covers a wide range of taste and bitterness level. Some are quite mildly hopped while others are extremely hopped. Put me in the mildly hopped camp.

While this one was quite strongly hopped, it wasn't as harsh as the Tap It brew. I finished it, and the last few sips were by far the best. Don't know if this was because the beer tastes better as it warms or if I was warming up to the beer. It's actually a nice balance. The strong hop flavour is interesting, so long as it doesn't go over the line and overpower everything else. Newport Storm's IPA flirts with that line.

Oh, and it actually smelled quite nice...almost floral.

I'm not going to go out of my way to find this stuff, but I want at least one more to experiment with.

Finding myself wishing, especially over this last run of three, that I'm going to pull one of these out and it will magically be some sort of bottled analog for a pint of Kilkenny's on tap. Or just Guiness. How long until St. Patrick's Day?

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