Day 24: Dunham's Black IPA
Last one. Not my favourite, but a reasonable representation of the whole experience. As far as I can tell, this was the only beer from Quebec.
Poured very dark, nice, frothy head. There was actually sediment in the bottom of the bottle afterwards. Not sure what's up with that. Plenty of molasses, chocolate and coffee aroma. Hops were also clearly present, but mostly obscured by the other smells.
Not great at first, got significantly better as it warmed. Another sipper. It probably took me 45 minutes to finish this beer. Not because it was bad or anything, but because that's how something like this should be enjoyed. A taste, wait a while, another taste.
A few beers ago there was something very similar in Peak Organic's Hop Noir. This was what that beer was trying to be. The Hop Noir never quite got a handle on combining a dark porter/stout type with a pronounced hoppy flavour, but this beer pulled it off. Not something I'd go looking for on my own, but palatable and even enjoyable in the right circumstances. I'd like to have a couple around for sharing, but this isn't a "volume" brew. Three tankards!