Day 9: Gerstel Hefeweizen
The good: There's a buxom serving girl on the can and she's holding six steins full of beer :)
The bad: This is yet another hefeweizen
The ugly: Completely indistinguishable from the hefeweizen from day 8. Seriously, I just should have reviewed them together. I guess the suggestive (though crudely drawn or rendered) can made me feel like this one deserved a post of its own.
So I don't want to trash this beer too much. It was okay. I won't describe it since you can just read the previous review. I do want to go after the folks who put this calendar together. Why the hell even put two hefeweizens in a row, let alone two hefeweizens that could, like identical twins, take tests for each other with the teacher none the wiser?
Not exactly an isolated incident, either. While there were differences, beers 3 through 6 were awfully similar (and nothing spectacular) as well. Makes me feel as though they're just dressing up the same doll with different clothes.
In order not to punish this brew specifically, I award two steins. But the calendar as a whole is teetering on the brink of zero steins, as in I don't think I'm very excited about ever purchasing another one of these again.
I like variety. I dislike conformity. I celebrate diversity. Jesus Christ! If I wanted something bland that didn't stray too far from a stilted median, I could have stayed in the Mormon church!
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